Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hoop dreams... Life reality...
Only 8 seconds left in the shot clock... Goes to his left, fake to his right, pulls up for a shot... For threeeee! He makes it! Sounds familiar? Yeah! I know it does.
Try asking the young people, young professionals you're working with now and see how this dream has become an unreachable dream for most.  Getting to the bigtime league is where every hoopster wishes to be in, playing the game they loved so much!  I played high school ball and intramural games in college, I've had my own share of successes too.  But what I've always wanted was to be in the bigtime league either playing with pay for a commercial team or playing for free representing my country playing on international grounds.  I’ve always told myself in wishful thinking, if only I stand 6 foot 3 I would have been there kicking ass.  Har! Har!  Anyway, it’s all a dream now, either way, it would have been great if it came true!  Har! Dream on for me... It will never happen anymore. 
But what's really the catch in playing ball? Why did this game get so connected to our system, to our lives when it's not even our national sport? Now seems to be our national sport.  Watching this game, playing it, loving it amazes me endlessly! The fulfillment, lessons, discipline and challenge of playing this game have made my youth complete! 
They're right in saying, "Life is a ball!" Coz you have to be well rounded in order for you to survive life!  What I noticed was that the players who excelled in this sport during their prime are those same people who lead off better lives.  Money? Maybe. Fame? Can be. I'm thinking more the intangibles.  These great players despite their physical gifts and natural talent became great pushing themselves to the limit.  They're gifted and yet they kept practicing and improving their craft with just one thing in mind – EXCELLENCE!  That’s why they’re great! 
They didn’t rely on their mere talent or physical attributes alone, like most people do, they went all out, giving it their all for the love of the game!  There is nothing wrong with aspiring for perfection in fact it’s what GOD wants us to do.  Whatever we do with our lives, he wants us to do it according to HIS plan, according to his design.  If you’re gifted and you don’t use it is absolute abomination of his plan with your life. 
We may not be as tall or as talented as most players are, but in life we are the same, we’re just playing different roles so to speak.  Some are born leaders and tasked to take the lead like how point guards are perceived.  Some have great talent in sales and businesses that they can put up big numbers on the board just like how shooting guards can.  Some are so athletic and agile and flexible that they are tasked to be wingmen just like Small Forwards are.  Some are physically tough and rough that they guard the embassy just like Power forwards.  And some are skyscrapers who are tasked to protect and keep watch even from afar just like how centers protect their block.  These are some roles that I can think of when not played to perfection can spell disaster.  But if it’s played accordingly and with perfection, can create beautiful music!
Well for myself, I'm playing a totally whole new different ball game now – Life of a Family man.  I’m embracing this role with so much ease and Guess what it’s not just for me, it’s for everyone else - we're all in this game together - LIFE! 
Don’t lose yourself in the game, get your game face on!  It’s crunch time!  This game we’re playing has no time-outs, no half time breaks, it takes pure hustle and a lot of heart! Whichever way you may want to play it, run and gun style or the half court set it’s your call, but in the end, in the game of life it’s how we play our roles that would make a big difference.
So play your roles well... It only comes once! No second chances!  Keep Faith!

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