Friday, November 25, 2011

Daddy's Girl. Sam.

Kids are pesky... stubborn... loud... annoying... crazy...  They act up... cry out... scream...  They're just all over the place.  They'll mess it up, tear it up, turn it upside down, toss it side to side and so on.  These are how kids tear down the place.

They'll kiss you... they'll hug you... they'll smooch... touch... embrace... calm you... amaze you... sooth you... they'll make you smile... they'll make you laugh... ask you crazy questions... show you their abstract versions of you in drawing when all they drew were sticks... play legos and then ask what is it they did, they'd say "it's your office dad and this is my school" when all they showed you were scattered toys on the floor...  haha!  they'll dance for you... sing for you... play with you to your heart's content.  

They're simply amazing.  God's gifts to us.  They just know how to manipulate us really.  Our kids - can't do without them, much more can't live without them!

"DAD: Sam, why did you do that for?  Why did you throw out your lollipop?  No more surprises from me anymore, you understand...  SAM: Daddy look at me.  Lug (her version of love and hug :))!  I'm sorry, Daddy.  I love you."  BAM!!  Got me already!  No matter how mad we are.  Our kids just know how to deal with us - in their own way!

Funny it may seems, but it make sense, complete sense.  They're small versions of us, mix and match so to speak.  So they have a little bit of everything we parents have.  

with Mommy
My baby girl is so expressive in a lot of ways.  She loves to talk, play, sing, dance, draw, do crayons, play with legos and most of all - She owns our TV and dvd player!  you know, watching Woody and Buzz lightyear tell their Toy Story.  Helping daddy fish find Nemo.  Rooting for Lightning Mcqueen and Mater to fill in with the cars.  And many more...  Hahah!

No really, she does own our TV and dvd player!  Hahah!

We have to ask permission from her if we can watch movies or what not.  Then we'll wait for her approval, if she says yes, then we go on with it.  If she says no... don't worry... we still go on with it.  Hahah.  But be ready for a neverending story from her and endless tantrums while you're trying to watch.  

She'll try to block or turn the tv off.  Fair?  hahah.  I got use to it.  Annoying?  Yes! Fulfilling?  YES!  Little did I know that behind that craziness and peskiness she showed me, all she want is for me to hug her, play with her, have quality time with her and then she'd go on saying "you don't have work, Daddy?  I miss you eh."  So right there I know what she wants.  


Sometimes I get mad when my little girl does that while I'm trying to watch PBA, a movie or a show especially if it's Ginebra playing.  This is my off, for crying out loud.  hahah.  I'll try to divert her attention into doing something else.  Always thinking that they're gullible kids... they're not!  If you come to think of it, they know us inside out.  
This line stick with me like glue, I heard it from my old boss - "...from the day we were born, we're already doing sales!"  We know how to sell our thoughts to our parents; when we're hungry - we cry.  When we're tired and wanted to sleep, we yawn and still cry.  When we wanted a toy, what do we do?  Yes!  Still we cry.  We convince them in our own little way.

But guess what?  Now it's happening again, but this time it's on us!  

Our kids know how to use our weaknesses against us to their advantage.  More often than not, they win, but at the end of it all, you both win!  She got your attention and you got her affection!  Fair Deal?  I think so.  

...She got your attention and you got her affection!

But remember there's a thin line in being all that to the point of spoling them.  Never, under any circumstances let them win against you - especially when it comes to discipline.  But of course be willing to accept your fault as well if you're at fault.  In the first place, that's what we're teaching them.  Anyway, enough with that.

I always find myself in awe everytime I watch my little girl do her thing.  Her favorite place is the fridge.  She stays in there like it's her room.  Hahah.  We call her "our monitoring agent".  She knows our fridge.  "Dad, there's no more Chamyto.", "Dad, no more hotdog", "Dad, no more vegetables.", and sometimes "Dad, sira na ang ulam."  Ahehe.  Funny, right?  

We do alot of stuff together as well, we read, play PSP, watch DVD, go to church, pray and we take abath together.  In line with prayer, sometimes in bed she'd say "Daddy, Pray napo tyo." Yes, she does that especially if she's really dosed off and dying to sleep.  

Talk about sleeping, there's this one thing she can't do without, she can't sleep without my arms around her, she uses it for her pillow.  She has pillows around her but she would rather sleep on her "leased" arms of mine.  (now I'm crying. Ahehe.)  Seriously, she would look for my arms if I take it off her.  And yes, even if she's deep asleep..

She knows how to operate stuff, like turning and working the tv using the "merote" (that's how she calls the remote) and the on/off switch, she can wash her own bottles, helps with the dishes, she can work our DVD player, she knows the difference between a Laptop and a Desktop, she operates the keyboard/organ on her own, she pull out plugs, turn lights on and off, aircon, fan and sometimes even the stove!  

She also tells me the time even if she doesn't know how to read the clock yet.  hahah...  It's really amazing how smart she is turning out to be.

with her cousin Kuya IB
Whenever, she's out with other kids, she's the "promotor", the leader of the pack, the pasimuno - born leader?  Ahehe.  She speaks Tagalog and English fluently whenever needed.  I've always wanted her to speak English only, but it occured to me, she'll find it difficult to mingle come the time she's on her own.

I can say we're on the right path in training her in the way she should go in God's terms.  Let me just quote a verse from the Bible.  Taken from Proverbs 22:6, Says " Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I would like to see her grow up with fear of GOD and fear in GOD in her heart.  Having that done would mean we were able to lead up a Quality Christian in her.

No matter what others may say, for me she's my angel.  She's my heavensent.  A gift from God!  She's my mini me.  And most of all she's my baby girl.  Butterfly kisses allthroughout my life, I know, I deserve it.  :)  

I Love you my baby girl, Shemiah Azriel Moira!


  1. Aww,, this is so sweet, proud dad talaga.. ^^

  2. What a nice read... I wish all dads could right more about their kids.

  3. I am so moved and reading it can melt my heart..thinking not all daddy can love their kids the way you do!!

  4. Thanks for the feeds... appreciate it. Proud to be dad, 100%!
