Thursday, November 24, 2011

Freedom to write...

I started blogging just recently, just this Saturday to be exact.  And It feels good!  I'm telling you.  Coz somehow I'm living my frustration into a reality.  Eversince grade school, I really wanted to write... I express my thoughts in writing.  Have I ever wanted of doing it for a living?  YES!

So here's my chance, thanks to my wife who introduce this to me! har! har! har!

What is there really to writing?  Where are the thoughts coming from?  How does a writer effectively gather readers to approach and feel with them?  Is it the story?  Is it the writer himself? Or is it something else?  Like emotions or inspirations?  Beats me.  What I do know is that no matter how interesting your topic is but your heart is not into it... it simply lacks the 'IT'.
Does one really have to be a professional to be able to write a beautiful poem or a prose or a story?  And yes, a blog?  I don't think so.  Everyone is a writer in his own right.  Everyone has the freedom to write.  

Back in highschool and college I used to write poems - a lot!  Most of the poems I wrote were love poems, some were inspirational ones, some were political and some were religious.  I even once wrote a poem of myself being in a coffin.  Mind you I was in class when I wrote this poem.  Morbid?  But no worries I also wrote about heaven and the second coming of our Lord.  

Anyway, for me, a true blooded writer still writes eventhough he's not given the chance!  No matter what the circumstances are, he still will write!

I'm taking this freedom of writing with full responsibility and awareness of the consequences.  Given the chance I would like to take it to the next level!  I like those writers who just write their opinions without qualms, without hesitations, without partiality nor biase.  They let it all out as it is.

One thing I know really is that if you let your heart do the talking, it all comes out freely, boldly and sometimes careless!  But isn't it the whole idea behind writing?  If you write with hesitations, then it's not you writing, it's someone else.  Because, if you're letting someone else influence the manner by which you think, you're depriving your right to be heard.  

Remember, you're writing for yourself, and not for anyone else.  You use the experiences you gather in your life, the lessons you learned and the hurts you cried.  It's how you translate it into writing that makes it worth reading.

Why do we get so amused reading articles?  Why do we end up idolizing writers we don't even know?  How is it that we get easily attached to topics that sometimes are not even real?  Simple.  EMOTIONS.  

Writers use emotions to fuel their creativity, their imagination, their drive.  In my case, the emotion that fueled me in writing again - release and fulfillment.  A sense of release is what I get while I'm writing, I let go of my creativity and let my fingers do the typing.  A sense of fulfillment is another emotion I get before I write, while I'm writing and after I write.  I love the feeling of fulfillment thinking that I did something right notwithstanding what others might say or think or what not.  This is all me, whether you like it or not, it's all me!

There's no good writing or bad writing, it all boils down to one thing - opinions.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people likes the "Twilight" Saga when for some it's non-sense?  Did you even know it came from a novel?  Yes it did.  What amazes me the most is the level of imagination and degree of focus the writer has in putting up such a book.  Not only that book in particular, hundreds more, maybe thousands more have shown "quality" writers.  But who said so?  It's all based on opinion.

So just go ahead, that's what I told myself.  In my opinion, I know how to write, I love to write and I will write!   

And just like everything else we do, we can give hundreds of reasons, justifications, excuses and what have you in writing, just like anything else in the world but it all goes back to one thing - FREEDOM to WRITE.
There's no secret.  There's no license.  Just Free your mind!


  1. This one is nice! Have all written all your emotions in a very detailed way!Keep it coming!

  2. Nice one bro! good to know you are already in the blogging industry! and so as your wife :)

    - jerlie
